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René Meijering



E-mail address:

Phone number:

+31 6 8278 6833

Current projects:

4PC, CHARISMA, Rots in de Brand

Educational Background

  • 2011 - 2018: MSc in Systems and Control at University of Twente, The Netherlands.

  • 2007 - 2011: Bachelor in Electronic Product Design and Engineering at Hanzeschool Groningen, The Netherlands.

Professional Background

  • Aug. 2017 - to date: Researcher/Lecturer at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.

  • Mar. 2011 - May. 2011: Electrical Engineer at Venema Automation B.V., The Netherlands.

My Story

René's narrative is a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and the application of that knowledge to innovate and educate. His journey began in the picturesque landscapes of The Netherlands, where his passion for technology and innovation first took root.

In 2007, René embarked on his academic journey at Hanzehogeschool Groningen, diving into the world of Electronic Product Design and Engineering. Here, he laid the foundation for his future, spending four years mastering the intricacies of electronic systems, product design, and engineering principles. This period was not just about acquiring technical skills but also about understanding the profound impact that well-designed electronic products can have on society.

Upon completing his Bachelor's degree in 2011, René's thirst for deeper knowledge led him to the prestigious University of Twente. He pursued a Master of Science in Systems and Control, a field that sits at the crossroads of engineering, mathematics, and computer science. For seven years, he delved into complex systems, learning how to analyze, design, and control them. This advanced education honed his ability to tackle challenging technological problems with innovative solutions.

In the midst of his Master's studies, René took a significant step into the professional world in March 2011. He joined Venema Automation B.V. as an Electrical Engineer, a position that lasted until May 2011. Although brief, this role was pivotal, offering René real-world experience in applying his burgeoning skills to electrical engineering projects. It was here that he faced the tangible challenges of the field, from design to implementation, shaping his approach to engineering solutions.

In August 2017, with a rich tapestry of academic and professional experiences, René transitioned to a role that merged his love for research with his passion for teaching. As a Researcher/Lecturer at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, he has since been at the forefront of shaping the minds of aspiring engineers. René's journey has not just been about his own growth but also about his impact on others. At Saxion, he channels his expertise in systems and control into research that pushes the boundaries of knowledge while nurturing the next generation of engineers and innovators.

René's story is one of continuous learning, from the classrooms and labs of Hanzehogeschool Groningen and the University of Twente, to the collaborative and innovative environment of Saxion University of Applied Sciences. It's a narrative that highlights the power of education, the importance of real-world experience, and the joy of passing on knowledge to empower others. His career is a beacon for those who seek to blend the worlds of teaching and research, demonstrating that with dedication and passion, one can indeed make a significant impact.

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