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''Robots are indispensable integral parts of a more sustainable and safer world''

Abeje Mersha, Professor Unmanned Robotic Systems- Read the interview

Our knowledge output usually results in demonstrators. We have made several videos of this, such as modular mechatronic building blocks, test results and student projects. The research group is chaired by professor Abeje Mersha.

The Mechatronics research group is an applied research group (lectorate) of Saxion University of Applied Sciences located in Enschede. Companies, students, teachers and researchers work together on projects that build up knowledge. The research group has a large network of (regional) companies and knowledge institutions. The research is always demand-driven thanks to good contacts with the business community.


Key aspects taken into account while defining the core technological building blocks:

  • Current trends and state-of-the-art;

  • Possibility to claim unique position in the knowledge chain;

  • Availability of expertise (competence);

  • Applicability of technology for various application domains.

Our Expertises

In order to maximize the societal impact of our activities, we conduct mission-driven research. The missions are coupled with the application areas that our research activities primarily focus on and they directly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations.

1 Unmanned Robotics Systems

This integration research line focuses on the development of new generation of intelligent unmanned (aerial, ground, surface and underwater) robots that can autonomously or collaboratively explore unstructured environments for data collection or target manipulation.  

2 Smart Industrial Systems

In this research line we develop and integrate real-time robotics, vision and  mechatronic systems to create innovative automated and collaborative solutions for Smart Industry.

3 Sensing & Perception

This research line is engaged with getting measurements from various sensors and extracting required robotic information (State and physical properties of robot, surrounding environment or target) from the acquired data.

E4 Control & Manipulation

4 Control & Manipulation

This research line aims at adaptively controlling various actuators used in (mobile) robots to safety, effectively and efficiently carry out tasks that even, include physical interaction and manipulation.

5 Cognition & AI

To deal with complex and unstructured environments, we develop technologies that help the robots to understand their environment and continually learn, using several approaches, including machine learning.


Our Focus

Safety & Security (SDG16)

''Saving the first responders''

Advanced unmanned robotic & AI technologies and new security approaches that utilize these technologies will ensure the maximum safety of the first responders. With these technologies it is possible to provide them with a timely and comprehensive information about the incident. This will enable them to respond effectively with appropriate tools at a distance. As such, they do not endanger their lives and at the same time they save the lives of others and prevent property damages.

Sustainable Energy (SDG7)

''Making green energy resources greener''

Unmanned robots that are equipped with AI technologies are able to timely inspect and maintain green energy resources. They can even conduct preventive maintenance. As such, they can reduce the downtime and increase the green energy production. This will also address the safety issue for professionals in this area. Moreover, these robots will become beneficial in monitoring the possible side effects of such green energy resources on the environment to eventually take necessary corrective measures.

Agriculture (SDG2)

''Maximizing productivity with kindness to the planet''

Monoculture implies the use of toxic pesticides damaging our ecosystem. The theory of precision farming growing in rows or even pixels requires the use of small autonomous and collaborative robots. A group of intelligent and autonomous/collaborative robots are to conduct timely monitoring treating and harvesting without large footprints that will, otherwise, damage the environment. Moreover, they are able to detect possible anomalies on time and conduct localized treatment to save unnecessary waste and to limit the amount of treating materials, which may damage the environment.

Manufacturing Industry (SD9)

''Reshoring the industry while keeping the workforce''

Robot and AI technologies are indispensable parts to reinvigorate the manufacturing industry. They will enable the industry to meet the desired flexibility (high mix and low volume) requirements. Collaborative and autonomous robots with human workers will also optimize the work process by efficiently collaborating with human workers. As such, the production cost is lowered. Moreover, they contribute to reshoring this industry that enables the region to become resilient against unexpected geopolitical factors.

How can we collaborate?

Long-term collaboration based on shared roadmap

We can formulate complementary and aligned roadmap for long-term collaboration with our public and private partners. We conduct multiple joint projects based on the shared roadmap. The research projects will be financed by public and private funds.  

Specialized trainings and access to talented students

We offer specialized trainings to professionals in order to update their practical knowledge and skills on the job. We also equip future professionals with state-of-the-art practical knowledge and skills to meet the demands of our industrial partners by involving students in practical use-cases of our partners. As such, they can seamlessly integrate and be productive when they join the professional fields after successful completion of their studies.

Collaborative applied research projects

Based on practical challenges from our partners, we conduct demand-driven applied research ranging from small feasibility studies to large full-fledged research (TRL7). The projects should be aligned with our own roadmap and must offer challenging learning environments that stimulate research and development of innovative solutions using state-of-the-art technologies. The form of collaboration ranges between contractually research (fully funded by partners) to open collaboration (partly financed by partners in the form of in-kind and in-cash and partly financed by third parties).

"If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together."

Your reliable partner in sustainable innovation enables by Smart Mechatronics and Robotics

Wim Spit.jpg

Social Proof

RIWO is gespecialiseerd in industriële automatisering en besturing. Wij zien dat industriële systemen steeds complexer worden en de verwachtingen van klanten veranderen door technologische ontwikkelingen rondom digitalisering, robotica, vision en AI. Ook maatschappelijke thema’s zoals duurzaamheid en het tekort aan arbeidskrachten zijn van invloed. Om voorop te blijven lopen met innovatieve besturingsoplossingen werken wij samen met het lectoraat mechatronica.


De toegankelijkheid van het lectoraat en de grondhouding om meerjarig samen te willen werken met het bedrijfsleven spreekt ons erg aan. Als nuchtere Twentse onderneming worden we enthousiast van deze moderne vorm van “Noaberschap”. Door heel gericht samen te werken met onderzoekers en studenten kan RIWO als MKB bedrijf het verschil maken en innovaties daadwerkelijk naar de markt te brengen. Op basis van gezamenlijk toegepast onderzoek rondom state-of-the-art technologieën kunnen we oplossingen bieden voor urgente maatschappelijke uitdagingen.


Voorbeelden daarvan zijn geautomatiseerde robotische systemen in de tuinbouw om een oplossing te bieden voor de grote schaarste aan arbeidskrachten. Daarmee helpen we kwekers om lokaal te kunnen blijven produceren tegen een lagere kostprijs. We maken gebruik van het internationale netwerk van het lectoraat om onze eigen kennisketen te verlengen. Anderzijds draagt RIWO bij aan kennisvalorisatie richting het onderwijs, maar ook samen met partnerbedrijven. Voorbeelden zijn ontwikkelde generieke technologiebouwstenen op het gebied van robotica, vision en AI. Maar ook door het delen van onze kennis over machineveiligheid zodat studenten gerichter opgeleid worden volgens de behoeften van het bedrijfsleven.


De komende jaren willen we de samenwerking verder intensiveren door meer projecten en intensiever fysiek samen te werken, in Enschede en in Oldenzaal. Onderzoekers blijven zo beter aangelijnd bij actuele uitdagingen die aan het bedrijfsleven gesteld worden. RIWO medewerkers vinden het op hun beurt prettig om samen te werken met inspirerende onderzoekers en het geeft nu eenmaal veel voldoening om (kennis) te delen.

Wim Spit, directeur RIWO

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